Slate Black Patina is a versatile black finish for use on most metals. On iron and steel, it will produce a black patina with some brown showing through the finish. This is a fast 3-5 minute reaction that is arrested with water. Additional coats will darken the patina. Slate Black Patina can be diluted with distilled water for lighter coats. Slate Black Patina will darken bronze, brass, and copper in a similar way. On zinc and galvanized steel, it will produce a dark brown to black patina. On aluminum, it must be applied hot (180-200°F) and will create a brown finish. On stainless steel, it must also be applied hot and will produce a red, black, and brown patina. Slate Black may be applied as a spray or in an immersion process. Depending on the application method chosen, the results will range from a uniform solid color to a layered textured appearance. Slate Black Patina may be diluted up to a 1:1 ratio with distilled water depending on the desired strength of finish. The finish may be burnished wet or dry. Additional patinas can be layered over a Slate Black base. Rinse to neutralize. When dry, protect the finish with multiple coats of a clear sealer.
For more information and help check out this awesome guide by Sculpt Nouveau *HERE*